3D Printing

I kinda miss it....

You know, I’ve gotten a number of boardgames the last few months that need decent inserts.

Inserts that have been designed and are freely available on things like thingiverse.

Do you know what I don’t have?

A 3D printer.

The Creality CR20-Pro was a pain in the arse. I spent days, literally days calibrating it and getting it perfect, and it would print fine, and then for no reason whatsoever, it’d just stop printing fine.

I love tinkering with things, I love fixing things. If I need to. If I want to.

What I don’t like, is tinkering with something, sinking time into it and then having to start from scratch again for no particular reason (see previous blog posts on 3D Printing frustrations).

So. If I go back to it, it would have to be Prusa.

If it’s Prusa, then its probably going to be expensive. Probably.

But it’ll work. And I can tinker if I want to tinker.

There’s also just been an insane Kickstarter campaign for a 3D printed gaming platform, which looks insane. Missed it on account of looking for printers (as its just the STL files), but they’re going to have late backers.



Maybe there will be a livestream 3D printing camera again. Maybe.

At least I can look back at my githistory for the code I made to make it all work. Though saying that, I’m pretty sure its all still there, just not linked from the navbar :p

Watch this space. We’ll see how things look in the next week or two.

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