Back to.....the.....future?
Where did Sunday go?....
When Prusa say 2-3 weeks lead time, they really mean it. It’s been 11 days and no movement yet on my order.
My estimated dispatch date period keeps changing from anywhere between the 3rd to the 11th of March. More than likely it’ll ship whilst I’m out of the country and end up in customs hell or something. There’s about £200 VAT to pay on it with DHL (unless they forget to charge it), so they’ll phone me/email me to pay before they try to deliver it anyways.
In preparation for that:
I decided to spend a spare hour I had waiting around before setting off to pick Harry up from the halfway point getting the Raspberry PI I had with Octoprint set up ready for the arrival of the printer.
Fairly easy I figured. Would just be a case of getting the camera back together (it had fallen off the ribbon cable), running an apt update and an apt upgrade, probably upgrading Octoprint. Then getting the certbot stuff for the ssl certificate going again as its sometimes a little flakey.
Turned into a Debian distro upgrade. Then HAproxy broke because of a bunch of deprecated config, then the webcam broke, then I kinda got it working, then it broke again. Python decided it needed an upgrade, OctoPrint then decided it didn’t like using Python 2, so I upgraded to Python 3, all the while the webcam stopped working and I was going around in circles.
Spent hours on it.
Hours and hours.
Didn’t want to reflash the microSD because of all the customisation I had on there for automatically updating Route53 with the new IP as and when it changes, the cert bot stuff, things I figured it would take me days to re setup.
Well. after giving up and reflashing the drive at around 7pm, less than an hour, I had everything back up and running, the webcam was working off the bat, I set up the haproxy SSL cert customisations. Cert renewal done, Route53, done.
It’s ready for the Prusa.
4 hours of pain, vs 1 hour of just reflashing it.
I’ll never learn.
I’ll always take the harder path. But then the harder path is always more fun, isn’t it? :D
At least that’s all back up and running and ready now.
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